Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Even the mainstream “news” media didn’t know quite what to think of Obama’s big announcement that he would open new areas to offshore oil drilling. ABC’s White House reporter Jake Tapper headlined his piece “Obama: Drill, Baby Drill” but you don’t have to look far beneath the surface to see that while Obama opened new areas to drilling offshore from Virginia, he blocked large sections that the Bush Administration had previously approved for drilling and wants to “study” others that were ripe for exploitation

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hi and welcome to my blog!

i really dont know what to start and write about.. i would like to hear some ideas...
it will basiclly be about news/gossip. etc. news you dont really hear on the radio/tv or anywere.. news the ppl of this country or other countries try to hide from you. as for example did you know that obama requested from pm netanyahu (isreal) to please take out the script NEXT YEAR IN YERUSHALAYIM from the hagada as he doesnt think its appropriate to say that when he doesnt really want them to buid in yerushalayim, rather he asked they should put in instead NEXT YEAR IN ISRAEL.. ohh thank you mr. president we appreciate it...

ohh and did you know that The congressman from Georgia, Hank Johnson Hank Johnson, is worried about the Guam capsize, he said sending 25,000 troops there can tip over the island.... ARE YOU SERIOUS???? and these are the people we have running our country.. should i go on or is this enough to start with????

so now i would like my readers if you have any ideas or comments feel free to post em
thank you